Τρίτη 31 Δεκεμβρίου 2013

Το ταξίδι του Οδυσσέα: διαδραστικός χάρτης

"The Odyssey," written by the poet Homer around 800 B.C.E., is one of the greatest human works of all time.
It's also a dense read, which is why we highly recommend that you listen to it (as was originally intended).
But listening to the entire epic takes a long time as well. That's why this interactive map by Gisèle Mounzer of esri is a great summary of the most epic homecoming journey ever told.
The cool thing about it is that it tracks Odysseus' mythical journey around the Mediterranean on a modern-day map.
Here are some passages where the words are brought to life by the map.
"Odysseus fought in the Trojan War for 10 years. After the fall of Troy, he left for his home in Ithaca, a journey which should have taken only a few weeks. It was to take ten years."