Τρίτη 21 Μαΐου 2013

H ΕΚΔΙΚΗΣΗ ΤΗΣ ΓΥΦΤΙΑΣ.... , Eurovision 2013: Euro-skeptics sent clear message to Brussels

Posted by keeptalkinggreece
(English Text Follows)

Ο μουσικός διαγωνισμός της Γιουροβίζιον δεν θεωρείται ως κανένα ιδιαίτερο καλλιτεχνικό γεγονός, όσον αφορά αυτό που λέμε "υψηλή κουλτούρα", αποτελεί όμως καθρεφτη του ευρωπαϊκού πολιτισμού. Ένα διεισδυτικό και υποψιασμένο  μάτι θα μπορούσε να δει σ' αυτόν ακόμα και κρυμμένα και λανθάνοντα πολιτικά μηνύματα και τάσεις.... Ο Συντάκτης του μπλογκ Keep Talking Greece με σαρκασμό πανηγυρίζει: "Καλά που η Ελλάδα δεν βγήκε πρώτη στο διαγωνισμό, γιατί αλλιώς θα χρειαζόμασταν και Τρίτο Δάνειο από την Τρόικα για να μπορέσουμε να φιλοξενήσουμε την επόμενη διοργάνωση της Eurovision στη χώρα μας...". Επίσης, κρίνει ότι δεν είναι τυχαίο πως η Γερμανία "πάτωσε" στο διαγωνισμό... Με αυτό τον τρόπο οι ψηφόροι της Γιουροβίζιον έστειλαν σαφές μήνυμα στις Βρυξέλλες ότι είναι δυσαρεστημένοι με τη γερμανική πολιτική στην Ευρώπη...
Η εκδίκηση της γυφτιάς...!!!

Eurovision song contest 2013 ended with Denmark and Emmelie de Forest winning this year’s festival with  281 points. Greece and KozaMostra got the 6th place, after Azerbaijan, Ukraine, Norway and Russia. The temptation is high to see a political and an economic aspect in the results: that not a single eurozone member country managed to get a high score.

The results sent a clear message to Eurozone in particular and European Union in general: Euro-scepticism is growing. It’s not a coincidence that Germany with its authoritarian finance policies landed on the 21st place, is it?

Alcohol is NOT free
Greece’s participation Koza Mostra could certainly have received a much higher score, had the group modified its song title “Alcohol is free” into “Alcohol has 23% Value Added Tax”.
The title was misleading as it implied that growth, development and prosperity finally prevailed in the debt-ridden country. I’m sure Koza Mostra would have drawn the endless sympathy of millions of  eurovision-voters had it name the things as they are.

Video: Agathon & Koza Mostra

Third bailout?
While watching the tense moments of voting results announcement last night, I have to admit that many Greeks were scared to death. Hearing the presenter announcing that countries like San Marino and Cyprus gave 12 points to Greece, or Albania and Russian gave 10 points… well.. for several moments I personally had a eurovision-win nightmare scenario: That

Greece would need a third bailout to come up with the organization of Eurovision 2014.

But at the end the real euro-skeptics won, and we got home with 152 points. And yes, indeed, we escaped the torture of a third bailout.
PS No, the Greek Tourism Agency did not issue a correction press release, saying something like “Attention tourists! Alcohol is NOT free in Greece!” Neither did the government issued any statement declaring “the 6th place definitely shows Greece moves forward against all odds of misery, Grexit etc etc”