Educational animation series directed by Giannis Ziogkas. A high-quality stop motion animation series, produced by the Hellenic Broadcasting Corporation (ERT) in collaboration with museums in Attica. The series creates the first contact of children with museums, through an entertaining narrative, while at the same time creating the foundation for family entertainment and discussion between children and parents, as well as in museums and schools. The episodes feature entertaining tales from ancient Greece and Byzantium. Tales of Centaurs clashing with mortals, young children participating in the Olympic Games, and moments of everyday life in ancient Greece. In collaboration with the managers of the children's educational programs of each museum, characteristic exhibits have been selected that represent each museum (two exhibits per museum). These are then converted into 3D models. At the same time, the composition of the original music for each episode, as well as the recording in the ERT Music Ensembles, creates another impressive dimension to the production.
Chrysobull 00:00-04:38
Prophet Elijah 04:40-11:03
The jockey of Artemision 11:12-15:18
Kore 15:23-19:42
Horse with wheels 19:47-23:21
Battle of the Centaurs 23:27-27:30
Ephiros 27:37-30:52
Chloe 30:57-35:29
The goddess Artemis 35:36-40:30