Everyone who has been living in this country for at least the last 10-15 years will very well recognize the media coverage when the country was entering the euro. Remember the euphoria? When politics and economy news are replace by reports on “Panda bears chewing in China”, local celebrity ‘stars’ in live coverage from the church where they got married. 10 minutes life link during the prime time news…
I also remember the non-stop reports on the parsley cost that increased from 50 Drachmas to 0.50 euro (150 Drachma) when the euro was introduced. When the whole problem of the sharp price increases were exhausted in a bundle of parsley…
10 Manipulations Strategies
Brainwashed by Noam Chomsky The 10 strategies of manipulation The linguist Noam Chomsky North American has developed a list of “Ten Strategies for handling” through the media. We reproduce it here. It details the range, since the strategy of distraction, through the strategy of humiliation to keep the public in ignorance and mediocrity.
1 – The strategy of distraction
To read more, pls. follow the link:
Are Greeks Victims of Chomsky’s “10 Media Manipulation Strategies”? - Keep Talking Greece